Loading your Trusted Keywords CSV file into Bob’s Keywords

Bob's Keywords - Brain Image

To upload your Trusted Keywords List into Bob’s Keywords, click on the “Add your Trusted Keywords” button. The upload screen will be shown.

Click on the “Click here to upload your file” button, then select your CSV file. The option “The uploaded file has a header line” is checked by default; uncheck it ONLY IF your file does not have a header line.

Trusted Keywords - Upload your file

We encourage you to prefer files that include a header. Also, select the type of Trusted Keyword you’re loading:

  • Your Keywords: choose this option if you are uploading your Keywords (Bidding Terms)
  • Your Negative Keywords: choose this option if you are uploading your current Negative Keywords
  • Other: choose this option if you are uploading your other terms, like SEO Terms or Product List

The upload process may take a few seconds, depending on the file size. The message “File has been uploaded” will be shown close to the file name when the upload process has finished.

After the upload process, click on the Process File button. Provide a name to identify your Trusted Keywords.

Trusted Keywords - Type a name

After you press the OK button, Bob’s will read your file and show you a list of all the fields present on it. On this screen, you need to select the field that represents your Keywords (or Negative Keywords, depending on the Trusted Keyword type you are currently loading).

Trusted Keywords - Select keyword field

After you press the Next button, Bob’s Keywords will read your file and process it. According to the number of lines in your file, this process may take a bit of time. A confirmation message will notify you when the loading process is completed.

Trusted Keywords - Trusted Keywords Loaded Successfully

It is essential to say that Bob’s Keywords allows you to upload as many Trusted Keywords on the same Project as you want, and you can analyse your Search Query data against Trusted Keywords from any source. Usually, you’re going to use data from the same Ads Platform and same date range, but we let this open for you to decide.