Negative Keywords Analysis Setup and Management

Bob's Keywords - Brain Image

In Bob’s Keywords, we use the concept of Negative Keywords Analysis. Each Analysis is a set of reports/data that you want to investigate to discover your new Negative Keywords.

These data are:

  • Your Search Query Report (required)
  • Your Organic Searches Report
  • Your Keywords/Bidding Terms List
  • Your current Negative Keywords List

Your Analyses are organised hierarchically into Accounts and Campaigns.

After login into Bob’s Keywords using your newly created credentials, the Dashboard screen will be shown. You will see your Analyses sorted by the last date-time these Analyses were accessed or modified.

Dashboard Project List

Creating Accounts and Campaigns

Before starting your first analysis, you need to create at least one Account and one Campaign. If you are a Digital Agency that manages multiple clients, we recommend you create one account per Client, and for each Account, create 1 to many Campaigns.

Use the Add button (the left one) to add a new Account or Campaign. Use the Edit button (the one on the right) to edit Account or Campaign information.

Dashboard - New Account
Dashboard - New Campaign

Creating a new Analysis

After you create at least one Account and one Campaign, you can start creating Analyses by clicking on the New NKW Analysis button (being NKW an acronym for Negative Keywords).

As a convention to name your Analyses, you can use as part of the name:

  • the source of your data;
  • the month/week your data was extracted;
  • any other relevant information

Always try to use meaningful names for later reference.

  • Ex: Google Ads – Jan/Week 1

In Bob’s Keywords, an Analysis comprises PPC Search Query data that refers to a specific range of dates. Use the From and To fields to inform the date range the data you’re currently working on refers to.

Dashboard - New Project

You can always change this information later using the Edit button.

After you click on the Save button, Bob’s Keywords will open the initial screen for you automatically. Otherwise, click the Open button.

The initial screen for your Analysis is organised into three sections, as per the image below.

Initial Project Screen

The next step is to load your data into your new Analysis. One of the main features of Bob’s Keywords is the possibility to load data from different sources and different ranges of dates on each analysis. This ability gives you higher flexibility to analyse your data making the combinations you want, bringing more possibilities to find Negative Keywords and save more money on your campaigns.

If you have Campaigns running on different Ads platforms, you can combine on the same Analysis a Search Query Report from Google Ads and an Organic Queries Report from Microsoft Bing Advertising and apply the new Negative Keywords on your Amazon Ads account. There are no boundaries and limits in Bob's Keywords.

NEXT – Get Ready – Bring your data.