Exporting your Negative and Trusted Keywords List

Bob's Keywords - Mouse Image

Exporting your new Negative Keywords and new Trusted Keywords lists is a pretty straightforward process. There are two options for it. You can export your lists from the left menu on the Find Negative Keywords screen. Just click on the desired option, and Bob’s Keywords will generate a text file for you, and the file download will be executed automatically.

Exporting your new Negative Keywords and new Trusted Keywords lists

The process is the same as if you’re downloading a file. Usually, the file is saved in your Downloads folder.

Exporting your new Negative Keywords and new Trusted Keywords lists

If you are on the Active Project screen, use one of the options on the following image.

Exporting your new Negative Keywords and new Trusted Keywords lists

The file names will include a prefix (NKW for Negative Keywords and TKW for Trusted Keywords) plus the project name and a date-time stamp for when the file was generated.

  • NKW List for Google Ads Data – (2021_12_14_16_07_08_264).txt
  • TKW List for Google Ads Data – (2021_12_14_17_11_55_881).txt